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Rachel Keys



Rachel Keys is a Ph.D. candidate researching personal informatics and its role in the diagnosis and self-management of cardiovascular conditions. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Paul Marshall, Dr. Aisling O’Kane, and Professor Graham Stuart, she investigates the real-world applications and potential unintended uses of wearable technology, particularly in the context of individuals with cardiovascular issues.
Before embarking on her Ph.D. journey, Rachel worked as a Clinical Cardiac Physiologist within the NHS, specializing in cardiac devices and arrhythmia. This practical experience has provided her with a unique perspective on the interface between technology and cardiology.
Rachel's research interests extend to designing technologies that empower users to comprehend their self-tracking data effectively, supporting self-care, and engaging end-users in co-design processes. She is motivated by her commitment to bridging the gap between technology and healthcare, specifically aiming to leverage wearable technology to improve cardiac condition diagnosis and management. Her work hopes to inform future design practices, driving toward more personalised and user-centric health informatics solutions.