Pervasive computing education
Audrey Girouard, Andrew Kun, Anne Roudaut & Orit Shaer. 2018.
IEEE Pervasive Computing
In this column, we ask three central questions related to ubiquitous computing education. First, why is specialized ubicomp training needed? Next, what should the goal of such specialized training be? And finally, how should these goals be accomplished pedagogically? We argue that these questions should be answered by a community that supports new forms of teaching, training, and learning in ubiquitous computing.
Girouard, A., Kun, A. L., Roudaut, A., & Shaer, O. (2018). Pervasive computing education. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 17(4), 9–12.
@article{girouard2018pervasive, title={Pervasive computing education}, author={Girouard, Audrey and Kun, Andrew L and Roudaut, Anne and Shaer, Orit}, journal={IEEE Pervasive Computing}, volume={17}, number={4}, pages={9--12}, year={2018}, publisher={IEEE} }