Quick and dirty: streamlined 3D scanning in archaeology

2014. Jarrod Knibbe, Kenton O'Hara, Angeliki Chrysanthi, Mark Marshall, Peter Bennett, Graeme Earl, Shahram Izadi & Mike Fraser
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing.


Capturing data is a key part of archaeological practice, whether for preserving records or to aid interpretation. But the technologies used are complex and expensive, resulting in time-consuming processes associated with their use. These processes force a separation between ongoing interpretive work and capture. Through two field studies we elicit more detail as to what is important about this interpretive work and what might be gained through a closer integration of capture technology with these practices. Drawing on these insights, we go on to present a novel, portable, wireless 3D modeling system that emphasizes "quick and dirty" capture. We discuss its design rational in relation to our field observations and evaluate this rationale further by giving the system to archaeological experts to explore in a variety of settings. While our device compromises on the resolution of traditional 3D scanners, its support of interpretation through emphasis on real-time capture, review and manipulability suggests it could be a valuable tool for the future of archaeology.

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