Tangible Interaction and Industrial Degrowth

Catherine Letondal, Aurélien Tabard, Laetitia Bornes, Augusto Esteves, Martin Hachet, Valérie Maquil & Anne Roudaut. 2023.

HCI for Climate Change. Imagining Sustainable Futures-Workshop at CHI 2023

This position paper seeks to ground and outline a discussion on environmental issues related to tangible user interfaces. The discussion that we present here started during a panel on "Tangible Interaction and Industrial Degrowth" that took place during the ETIS European studio on tangible interaction in November 2022 [5]. The panel discussed the problem from various angles and took input from the participants of the studio in the form of an online mapping brainstorm. The topics covered ranged from environmental feedback aspects to low-tech alternatives, as well as systemic, methodological and regulation considerations. This position paper reports on the approaches that were discussed and, based on these first insights, suggests directions for sustainable tangible interaction.

Read the full paper here ›


Letondal, C., Tabard, A., Bornes, L., Esteves, A., Hachet, M., Maquil, V., & Roudaut, A. (2023). Tangible interaction and industrial degrowth. HCI for Climate Change. Imagining Sustainable Futures-Workshop at CHI 2023.


@inproceedings{letondal2023tangible, title={Tangible Interaction and Industrial Degrowth}, author={Letondal, Catherine and Tabard, Aur{\'e}lien and Bornes, Laetitia and Esteves, Augusto and Hachet, Martin and Maquil, Val{\'e}rie and Roudaut, Anne}, booktitle={HCI for Climate Change. Imagining Sustainable Futures-Workshop at CHI 2023}, year={2023} }