Autoethnography of Living with a Sleep Robot
Immi Biswas, Erin Dooley, Elizabeth Coulthard & Anne Roudaut. 2024.
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
Soft robotics is used in real-world clinical situations, including surgery, rehabilitation, and diagnosis. However, several challenges remain to make soft robots more viable, especially for clinical interventions such as improving sleep quality, which impacts physiological and mental health. This paper presents an autoethnographic account of the experience of sleeping with a companion robot (Somnox), which mimics breathing to promote better sleep. The study is motivated by the key author’s experience with insomnia and a desire to better understand how Somnox is used in different social contexts. Data were collected through diary entries for 16 weeks (8 weeks without, 8 weeks with) and analysed thematically. The findings indicate improved sleep and observations about the relationship developed with the companion robot, including emotional connection and empathy for the technology. Furthermore, Somnox is a multidimensional family companion robot that can ease stomach discomfort and stress, reduce anxiety, and provide holistic care.
Biswas, B., Dooley, E., Coulthard, E., & Roudaut, A. (2024). Autoethnography of living with a sleep robot. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 8(6), 53.
@article{biswas2024autoethnography, title={Autoethnography of Living with a Sleep Robot}, author={Biswas, Bijetri and Dooley, Erin and Coulthard, Elizabeth and Roudaut, Anne}, journal={Multimodal Technologies and Interaction}, volume={8}, number={6}, pages={53}, year={2024}, publisher={MDPI} }