New Directions in Haptic Interaction Research: Combining Force Feedback and Shape-Change
Eve Hoggan, Aarhaus University
Thursday 10th June 2021. 13:00-14:00 GMT. The Buncar.
Force feedback is rarely incorporated into commercial products, yet it has unique qualities to offer in a world that is slowly moving again towards tangible input controls and organic interaction.
Eve will talk about our design perspective on the compelling interplay between force feedback and shape change, with a focus on several shape-changing prototypes, as well as the design of active force feedback during shape-change.
To finish, Eve will also talk a little about some of the other HCI research being conducted at Aarhus.
Speaker Bio
As a Human-Computer Interaction researcher, Hoggan’s focus is on creating novel interaction techniques and non-visual multimodal feedback. Some of Hoggan’s most recent research has focused on haptic interpersonal communication, user interface optimisation and smart material shape-changing interfaces.