Nick Bryan-Kinns, Queen Mary University of London
BIG Talk

Sonic Interaction Design Explorations

Nick Bryan-Kinns, Queen Mary University of London

Thursday 27th January 2022. 13:00-14:00 GMT. The Buncar.

Sound can be immersive, engaging, and culturally meaningful. A challenge for design in the post-screen world is how to develop design methods and practice for non-visual interaction with interactive systems. This talk presents over ten years of research into approaches to Sonic Interaction Design which combine Audio, Interaction Design, and Physical Computing to allow designers to explore the potential role of sound in interaction, and to sensitize designers to the use of sound for interaction. The approach foregrounds design explorations of the possible connections between human action and sonic responses of interactive systems. This talk will present and discuss design and evaluation techniques that can be reliably used in these situations and show how Sonic Interaction Design can be informed by careful and rigorous consideration of human experience.

Speaker Bio

Nick Bryan-Kinns is Professor of Interaction Design and Director of the EPSRC+AHRC Media and Arts Technology Centre for Doctoral Training at Queen Mary University of London, and was Visiting Professor at Hunan University, China. He is Director of EECS International Joint Ventures, Turing Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Fellow of the British Computer Society, Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery, and leads the Sonic Interaction Design Lab in the Centre for Digital Music. He has published international journal papers on cross-cultural design, participatory design, mutual engagement, interactive art, and tangible interfaces. His research has been exhibited internationally and reported widely from the New Scientist to the BBC. Bryan-Kinns was Deputy Dean at QMUL, held a Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Secondment for commercialising academic research, and has provided expert consultation for the European Commission and National Science Foundation on Creativity and IT. He chaired the Steering Committee for the ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference series, and is a recipient of ACM and BCS Recognition of Service Awards. In 1998 he was awarded a PhD in Human Computer Interaction from the University of London.