SuMMiT-D:South Asian patients’ perspectives on the relevance & acceptability of SNS to support medication adherence in type2 diabetes
Nikki Newhouse, NDPCHS
Thursday 28th January 2021. 13:00-14:00 GMT. The Buncar.
In this talk, Dr Newhouse will introduce the Support through Mobile Messaging and digital health Technology for Diabetes (SuMMiT-D) project, which is developing and testing a mobile-device based system delivering short automated messages to offer support for medicine use alongside usual care to people with type 2 diabetes in primary care. In particular, she will focus on the findings from an embedded qualitative study which explored the views of British South Asian patients with type 2 diabetes on the feasibility of such a system.
Speaker Bio
Dr Nikki Newhouse is a Postdoctoral Researcher and tutor with the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. She has a PhD from UCL in Computer Science, specifically human-computer interaction and the development and evaluation of complex digital interventions to support physical and psychological wellbeing across the lifespan.