Veronica Blanco Gutierrez

Veronica Blanco Gutierrez

Doctoral researcher.

My work is associated with BIG::Health. My research themes and interests include hci.

Veronica is part of the EPSRC funded centre for Digital health and Care. Veronica is a nurse and midwife with over 15 years of experience in research, audit and clinical roles, both in the private and public sector in Spain and the UK. Veronica’s doctoral research focuses on the incorporation of Social Determinants of Health into AI-driven decision support tools during labour to reduce adverse neonatal outcomes, reduce health disparities and personalise care. Veronica is passionate about involving and engaging women at every step of the research and innovation processes and is leading several co-production projects with women from underserved communities.

Veronica's external supervisors include Associate Professor Antoniya Georgieva (University of Oxford) and Associate Professor Natalie Darko (University of Leicester, Director of Inclusion, NIHR Leicester BRC).

