Aisling O'Kane
Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction for Health.
My work is associated with BIG::AI, BIG::Everyday & BIG::Health.
My research focuses on understanding how health and wellbeing technologies are used (and not used!) in the real world. I employ qualitative and participatory design approaches to studies of interactive technologies such devices, apps, websites and wearables, and am increasingly interested in how people interact with AI to support health, care and wellbeing. Check out my publications for past work, and these are things I am currently working on:
- UKRI AI4CI Research Hub – Health Ecosystems
- EPSRC TORUS - PPIE, Codesign, Ethics and Acceptability
- ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures – Care Domain
- EPSRC CDT Digital Health and Care
New HCI Masters Programme - online, live and interactive: bristol.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/msc-human-computer-interaction-online
Doctoral Students
Paul Marshall
Associate Professor of Human Computer Interaction -
Jon Bird
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science -
Kirsten Cater
Professor of Human-Computer Interaction -
Kenton O'Hara
Professor of Human-Computer Interaction -
Kyle Keane
Senior Lecturer in Assistive Technologies
Elaine Czech
Research Associate
Visiting & Honorary
Katarzyna Stawarz
Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science -
Jonah Aprioku
Associate Professor Pharmacology, University of Port Harcourt
Recent Publications
Exploring the nexus of Social Media Networks and Instant Messengers in Collaborative Type 2 Diabetes care: A Case Study of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Timeyin Arueyingho, Aisling O'Kane, Jonah Aprioku & Paul Marshall
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2024. -
“I think it saved me. I think it saved my heart”: The Complex Journey From Self-Tracking With Wearables To Diagnosis
Rachel Keys, Paul Marshall, Graham Stuart & Aisling O'Kane
Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024. -
Using and Appropriating Technology to Support The Menopause Journey in the UK
Emily Lopez, Marianela Ciolfi & Aisling O'Kane
Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024. -
The EmpathiCH Workshop: Unraveling Empathy-Centric Design
Luce Drouet, Wo Meijer, Aisling O'Kane, Aneesha Singh, Thiemo Wambsganss, Andrea Mauri & Himanshu Verma
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023. -
Explanation before Adoption: Supporting Informed Consent for Complex Machine Learning and IoT Health Platforms
Rachel Eardley, Emma Tonkin, Ewan Soubutts, Amid Ayobi, Gregory Tourte, Rachael Gooberman-Hill, Ian Craddock & Aisling O'Kane
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., 2023.