BIG Publications
Showing 5 publications. Lab: BIG::AI.
Data Ethics Emergency Drill: A Toolbox for Discussing Responsible AI for Industry Teams
Vanessa Hanschke, Dylan Rees, Merve Alanyali, David Hopkinson & Paul Marshall
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024. BIG::AIBIG::Everyday
Computational Notebooks as Co-Design Tools: Engaging Young Adults Living with Diabetes, Family Carers, and Clinicians with Machine Learning Models
Amid Ayobi, Jacob Hughes, Christopher Duckworth, Jakub Dylag, Sam James, Paul Marshall, Matthew Guy, Anitha Kumaran, Adriane Chapman, Michael Boniface & Aisling O'Kane
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023. BIG::AIBIG::Health -
Framing Machine Learning Opportunities for Hypotension Prediction in Perioperative Care: A Socio-technical Perspective: Socio-technical perspectives on hypotension prediction
Pratik Ghosh, Karen Posner, Stephanie Hyland, Wil Cleve, Melissa Bristow, Dustin Long, Konstantina Palla, Bala Nair, Christine Fong, Ronald Pauldine, Monica Vavilala & Kenton O'Hara
ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., 2023. BIG::AI
Co-Designing Personal Health? Multidisciplinary Benefits and Challenges in Informing Diabetes Self-Care Technologies
Amid Ayobi, Katarzyna Stawarz, Dmitri Katz, Paul Marshall, Taku Yamagata, Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Peter Flach & Aisling O'Kane
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2021. BIG::AIBIG::Health
Let's Talk About Race: Identity, Chatbots, and AI
Ari Schlesinger, Kenton O'Hara & Alex Taylor
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018. BIG::AI