Tegan Roberts-Morgan
My work is associated with BIG::Diverse. My research themes and interests include child-computer interaction, cross-sensory interaction & crossmodal cognition.
Tegan Roberts-Morgan is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Dr Dan Bennett and Dr Oussama Metatla. Her work explores how children use multiple senses during interactions with a focus on the cross-sensory metaphors that are used. She is currently involved in the inclusiveXplay project which explores cross-sensory social play for the early development of blind and sighted preschoolers, which aims to change the way we design assistive technologies for blind and visually impaired (BVI) children by integrating notions of cross-sensory experiences with social engagement and sighted peers.
Oussama Metatla
Associate Professor of HCI and co-director of BIG -
Dan Bennett
Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction
Recent Publications
Sense-O-Nary: Exploring Children's Crossmodal Metaphors Through Playful Crossmodal Interactions
Tegan Roberts-Morgan, Brooke Morris, Elaine Czech, Suhan Neema, Abigale Stangl, Kyle Keane, Matthew Horton, Janet Read & Oussama Metatla
IDC '24: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference, 2024.